There are some cases that we want to add a leading zero to a digit, such as showing 01 instead of 1, 02 instead of 2 and so on. We have two options to do this in Power BI, doing it in Power Query or doing it with DAX.
Adding a Leading Zero in Power Query
The first method is doing it in Power Query using the Text.PadStart() function.
Here is how the syntax of the function:
Text.PadStart(text as nullable text, count as number, optional character as nullable text)
And here is how the function works:
Text.PadStart(input string, the length of the string, an optional character to be added to the beginning of the string util we reach to the string length)
For example, Text.PadStart("12345", 10 , "a") returns aaaaa12345 and Text.PadStart("1", 2 , "0") returns 01.
Let’s create a list of integer values between 1 to 20 with the following expression:
Creating a List of Integer Values Between 1 to 20 In Power Query
Now we convert the list to a table by clicking the To Table button from the Transform tab:
Converting a List to a Table in Power Query
Now we add a new column by clicking the Custom Column from the Add Column tab from the ribbon bar:
Adding a New Custom Column to a Table in Power Query
Now we use the following expression in the Custom Column window to pad the numbers with a leading zero:
It has been a long time that I use SQL Server Profiler to diagnose my data models in the Power BI Desktop. I wrote a blog post in June 2016 about connecting to the underlying Power BI Desktop model from different tools, including SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS), Excel and SQL Server Profiler. In this quick post, I share a pbitool.json file that you can use to register the SQL Server Profiler as an external tool. Read more about how to register an external tool here. This is quite handy as this way to use SQL Server Profiler to diagnose Power BI Desktop without needing to find the diagnostic port. As an external tool, the SQL Server Profiler automatically connects to the data model via the diagnostic port. You can download the sqlserverprofiler.pbitool.json file from here. After you download the file you can open it in a text editor to see or modify the JSON code. If you are using SSMS 18, then you do not even need to modify the file. If you use a different version, the only thing you have to change is the “path”.
It’s been a while that I am working with OData data source in Power BI. One challenge that I almost always do not have a good understanding of the underlying data model. It can be really hard and time consuming if there is no one in the business that understands the underlying data model. I know, we can use $metadata to get the metadata schema from the OData feed, but let’s not go there. I am not an OData expert but here is the thing for someone like me, I work with various data sources which I am not necessarily an expert in, but I need to understand what the entities are, how they are connected etc… then what if I do not have access any SMEs (Subject Matter Expert) who can help me with that?
So getting involved with more OData options, let’s get into it.
The custom function below accepts an OData URL then it discovers all tables, their column count, their row count (more on this later), number and list of related tables, number and list of columns of type text, type number and Decimal.Type.
// fnODataFeedAnalyser
(ODataFeed as text) =>
Source = OData.Feed(ODataFeed),
SourceToTable = Table.RenameColumns(
{{"Column1", "Name"}, {"Column2", "Data"}}
FilterTables = Table.SelectRows(
each Type.Is(Value.Type([Data]), Table.Type) = true
SchemaAdded = Table.AddColumn(FilterTables, "Schema", each Table.Schema([Data])),
TableColumnCountAdded = Table.AddColumn(
"Table Column Count",
each Table.ColumnCount([Data]),
TableCountRowsAdded = Table.AddColumn(
"Table Row Count",
each Table.RowCount([Data]),
NumberOfRelatedTablesAdded = Table.AddColumn(
"Number of Related Tables",
each List.Count(Table.ColumnsOfType([Data], {Table.Type}))
ListOfRelatedTables = Table.AddColumn(
"List of Related Tables",
if [Number of Related Tables] = 0 then
Table.ColumnsOfType([Data], {Table.Type}),
NumberOfTextColumnsAdded = Table.AddColumn(
"Number of Text Columns",
each List.Count(Table.SelectRows([Schema], each Text.Contains([Kind], "text"))[Name]),
ListOfTextColunmsAdded = Table.AddColumn(
"List of Text Columns",
if [Number of Text Columns] = 0 then
Table.SelectRows([Schema], each Text.Contains([Kind], "text"))[Name]
NumberOfNumericColumnsAdded = Table.AddColumn(
"Number of Numeric Columns",
each List.Count(Table.SelectRows([Schema], each Text.Contains([Kind], "number"))[Name]),
ListOfNumericColunmsAdded = Table.AddColumn(
"List of Numeric Columns",
if [Number of Numeric Columns] = 0 then
Table.SelectRows([Schema], each Text.Contains([Kind], "number"))[Name]
NumberOfDecimalColumnsAdded = Table.AddColumn(
"Number of Decimal Columns",
each List.Count(
Table.SelectRows([Schema], each Text.Contains([TypeName], "Decimal.Type"))[Name]
ListOfDcimalColunmsAdded = Table.AddColumn(
"List of Decimal Columns",
if [Number of Decimal Columns] = 0 then
Table.SelectRows([Schema], each Text.Contains([TypeName], "Decimal.Type"))[Name]
#"Removed Other Columns" = Table.SelectColumns(
"Table Column Count",
"Table Row Count",
"Number of Related Tables",
"List of Related Tables",
"Number of Text Columns",
"List of Text Columns",
"Number of Numeric Columns",
"List of Numeric Columns",
"Number of Decimal Columns",
"List of Decimal Columns"
#"Removed Other Columns"
This is the fourth one in the form of Quick Tips. Here is the scenario. One of my customers had a requirement to get data from a Stored Procedure from SQL Server. She required to pass the values from a Query Parameter back to SQL Server and get the results in Power BI.
The solution is somewhat easy. I created a simple stored procedure in AdventureWorksDW2019 as below:
@date int
FROM [dbo].[FactInternetSales]
WHERE OrderDateKey >= @date
In Power BI Desktop, get data from SQL Server, then:
Enter Server name
Enter Database name
Select Data Connectivity Mode
Expand the Advanced options
Type in a SQL statement to call the stored procedure like below:
exec SP_Sales_by_Date @date = 20140101
Click OK
Click Transform Data
Now we need to create a Query Parameter. In my sample I create a DateKey in Decimal Number data type: